Upcoming News & Events
Caring for One Another & Our Neighbors
“Gather, share, nurture and care for the sake of God’s world.…”
Weekly Worship options
In-person: Saturdays at 5:00PM.
In-person: Sundays 9:00AM.
Online: Watch the Sunday service LIVE by clicking HERE.
Ash Wednesday - March 5
St. Peter's is hosting a soup and sandwich supper before service beginning at 6:00pm. The LLT Ash Wednesday Service will begin at 7:00pm at St. Peter’s.
Noon - 2:30p.m. The Clothing Rack is open the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month.
Diners on a Budget
Diners-on-a-budget will meet at the IHop restaurant on Thursday, February 20th at 5pm. Please let us know if you plan on attending no later than Tuesday, February 18th. Call Becky or Bettie or contact the church office to RSVP and for more information.
LLT Youth & Young Adult Group
The next get-together will be Sunday, March 30th. Anyone from 7th grade through college is welcome to join as we gather at L-City for coffee and games. We will meet on March 30th following the conclusion of the 10:30am LLT Worship at St. Peter’s. Reach out to Lauren Wagner or contact the church office for questions.
For more upcoming LLT events, please find the LLT EVENTS page under ABOUT US or use the link below.
For more information on our ongoing Care & Outreach projects, visit the CARE & OUTREACH page under MINISTRES or use the link below.