LLT Services

LLT combined Sunday services will begin again in the summer.

Lancaster Lutherans Together (LLT) is all ELCA Lancaster churches coming together in ministry and mission. We are stronger and better together than we are apart from each other. The five city churches are: Calvary, First English, Lutheran Church of Our Savior, St. Paul, and St. Peter’s. Several county ELCA churches also participate in the LLT activities and events. Some of the activities and events we are all a part of are:

Shared Adult Faith Formation on Sunday Mornings

●      (OPEN) Lutheran Clothes Rack (clothing)

●      (OPEN) Shelter Meal Ministry

●      Food Rescue Project

These churches have been meeting since the fall of 2016 to study, explore, and imagine the possibilities for Lancaster Lutherans. Rostered leaders, staff, and congregational members from all five churches participate.

LLT recognizes the importance of providing meaningful worship experiences in each congregational setting. It also recognizes the importance of identifying and enhancing mission opportunities. LLT wants members to build relationships with our brothers and sisters in all five congregations while fulfilling the purpose of the wider Church both now and for future generations.

LLT meets on the third Sunday of each month. Location rotates among the churches and times can vary.  Check in with any of the partner churches for the location and time.