As the Ladies Evening Study Group resumes, they will meet on Tuesday, April 9, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Peter’s. Please contact Jan in the church office (740-653-1950) if you can join us so we can be sure to prepare for an appropriate number.
The group invites other women to join them as they begin a new format for their time together. In the past, while participating in book and bible studies, this group focused on offering ladies opportunity to share and support one another as a Christian community in the challenges and celebrations of life. That remains our focus as we begin again, but rather than an ongoing study, they will offer a variety of topics, activities, and projects each contained in one or two evening sessions.
From sharing discussion on a current event or question, trying a new craft, a short-term service project, even a faith-based movie, we will share leadership choosing the topic and sharing with the group as fits our interest, ability and time.
RSVP to Jan in the church office or Missy for details.