This year the LSS (Lutheran Social Services) Food Pantry has asked us for the food items listed below for the Thankfull Holiday Food Baskets. Last year the pantry served more than 13,013 families, over 51 families each day. Food insecurity is a real issue and it affects 1 in 6 families in our own community. Each year, the Lutheran Food Pantry provides special Thanksgiving and Christmas meals - (in addition to the usually 3-day supply of food) - to hundreds of needy families in Fairfield County.
This year, with our help, they hope to continue that tradition for more than 450 Fairfield County families for the holiday season.
St Peter’s Church has been asked to participate by donating at least 45 each of the items listed below. Collection Boxes/Carts are located in the Social Room, and the back of the sanctuary.
Stove Top Stuffing Mix, Instant Potatoes, Canned Corn or Green Beans, Cake Mix & Icing,
Canned Fruit (no applesauce, please), Egg Noodles, Cranberry Sauce. All items are needed at the church by Thursday, November 8th. Thank you for your assistance with this special outreach project.
Please note that other churches have also been given a list specific to them so that meal baskets can be put together from all the donations gathered for the holidays. Please help us focus on the items listed here!!