This Changes Everything All Age Sunday for all LLT Congregations at St Peter’s Church at 9:15 a.m. For the generations to learn and fellowship and share our faith together! Engaging in cross-generational ministry is a blessing to all involved.
In October, our youth led members from 3 congregations in story, activities and crafts to share the Walk to Emmaus. Now they are preparing for this month’s all ages Sunday morning, and we hope you’ll join them on Nov 18 at 9:15 as they lead again to help adults and youth learn more about The Conversion of Saul and how these scriptures apply to our own identity and to daily life for all ages.
These sessions have been written in collaboration with the 2018 Youth Gathering team. The lessons are not the same but compliment those that were used for the gathering.
Come join in this second of our All-Ages Sundays - Come bless and be blessed as generations together.