Special ALL-ages Across the Generations Sundays for 2018-2019:
As people, we are born into a broken world. God’s desire for wholeness and life for us and the rest of creation was made known to us in the life and death of Jesus. This action by God through Christ literally changes everything—the world, us and how we live in community with one another. Through this curriculum, all ages will gather to learn how God’s grace changes these things and how we can work with others to show that grace to the world. These sessions have been written in collaboration with the gathering team. The lessons are not the same but compliment those that were used for the gathering.
Our Youth Gathering (YG) youth participants and other youth will plan and co-lead these sessions for ALL ages to help our members—young and old—learn more about these themes, the scriptures and how they apply to daily life for all ages. All sessions will take place on Sunday mornings at 9:15 at St. Peter’s beginning Sunday, October 21st.
Sunday, October 21st — Our Hearts (Walk to Emmaus)
Sunday, November 18th — Our Identity (The Conversion of Saul)